Saturday, June 26, 2010

i figured all the memories were proof enough

Tonight was nice. We had homemade Taco Bell tacos (we bought the Taco Bell taco kit) and they were delicious. Better than if they had actually come from Taco Bell, for sure. Then we made chocolate covered pretzels and watched Planet 51. I have to say, I was pretty disappointed. It was so boring! It got better toward the end, but I couldn't pay attention through the first half. At least we got it from Redbox so it was only a dollar.

I think our apartment is haunted. The cats have been acting strange ever since we moved in. They hide all the time, which is really unlike them, and they stare at nothing. I was in the bedroom the other day. They door was shut but not latched, and it flew open with a force that could not have been caused by any sort of moving air. Now we're sitting downstairs, and we're hearing all sorts of banging upstairs. We assumed it was the cats. Then I went in the kitchen, and they are all there. We don't have any upstairs neighbors, so...

Blogspot officially has me confused. I just got three random followers on my other blog. So I clicked on their names to find their blogs, but it doesn't tell me? Am I missing something? Can I not know their blogs unless they tell me? I don't get it. What good does having their names do?

Music: New Found Glory - Singled Out

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