Wednesday, July 30, 2014

if mountains could talk this one would share its secrets with me

Wow. Another year gone by, almost exactly.

I really need to get back into this blogging thing. I'm going to stick with it this time. Really, I am. It'll encourage me to take more pictures and read more books. (I actually have been reading a lot lately, but this may help me stay on that path.)

I can't decide if I want to keep it the way it is, or if I want to completely revamp it. I guess we'll see!

The last time I was here, I was just under two months out from my wedding. So now we're just under two months out from our one-year anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, we're taking a trip to Disney World. (We also spent part of our honeymoon at Disney.) I am maybe a little bit overly excited about it. The last time we went, we didn't plan anything. We booked a hotel, and that was it. We bought our park tickets when we got there and played everything by ear. This time, I am planning everything. We were disappointed that we weren't able to eat at the Be Our Guest restaurant the last time we were there because we didn't even know about it, let alone that we needed to make reservations. Well, I still wasn't on the ball enough this time around, and I didn't manage to get a reservation. It's a shame because that would be such a perfect anniversary dinner! I did, however, make dinner reservations at other restaurants each night that we're there, so we won't be left wondering where to eat and wasting time. I think we'll just be a lot more prepared, in general, this time, and I think we'll really be able to get the most out of it.

But we have another trip coming up even before that. We'll be going to PA for Labor Day weekend for my dad's wedding. It's kind of crazy; both of my parents and I will all have gotten married in a period of less than a year. I'm pretty excited about this trip as well. The last time we were in PA was kind of a drive-by trip. We flew in Saturday morning and left Monday morning. This time we'll have a bit of quality time. I'm really looking forward to going to the Philadelphia Zoo and seeing all the big cats in Zoo360. I've been squeeing over their facebook pictures every time they post them.

I'll leave you with a wedding picture, since that's what I was talking about the last I was here!