Sunday, February 22, 2015

New hair for a new season?

I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I did something pretty drastic to my hair. Well, for me, it isn't drastic at all. When I was in high school, I had a mohawk. I had my hair half black and half white like Cruella de Vil. It was blue, green, purple and pink. I've had it blonde with a layer of blue and a layer of purple. At this point, it would be difficult for me to do anything drastic. But compared to my current, almost-natural state, it would be a big change.

It looked similar to this:

I didn't have dark roots, and the purple was much, much lighter. But this was the closest thing I could find. The cut is spot on to what I had in my dream, but I will not be cutting my hair again any time soon. The only real difference is the bangs. My "bangs" are actually the longest part of my hair right now and are chin-length.

As much as I would love to do a darker purple like this, for the sake of my job, I think I need to be a lot more subtle about it. More like this:

To the point where if you're not in the right light, you can't be sure you're seeing what you think you're seeing. To be honest, I'm not positive my boss would even appreciate something this subtle. but it would be super easy to get rid of if it was a problem.

We'll see. I want to give it a lot more thought than I gave the pixie cut because that did not make me a happy lady. Lol. I had told myself I wasn't going to dye my hair anymore for a couple of reasons. And this look would be super hard to keep up with. I have done platinum before, and let me tell you, I did not keep it long.

It's also semi-difficult to keep it actually platinum and not yellow. It wasn't quite platinum in this picture, but it's the only one I could find.

So, like I said...I'll be thinking about it. It's better for a spring/summer look anyway!

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