Wednesday, November 5, 2014

adelaide, adelaide! you really had me goin' this time

I kept holding off on posting, thinking that I'd have something exciting to post, and it just hasn't happened! Dang!

Today I'm going to show you my dresser re-do. This dresser belonged to my grandfather before he married my grandmother. I'm guessing 1940s, maybe 50s...I don't know anything about furniture, so I couldn't say. It's solid wood and well-built, but it has laminate covering it. (It seems like they might not have made laminate furniture in the 40s and 50s, but I can only go by what my grandmother says.) Since it is possibly 70+ years old, it had a lot of blemishes. Scratches, dents, dings. The front of one of the drawers had a huge crack in it. This is not my area of expertise. I did the best I could in fixing all of these things, but the front of the drawer looks a little shoddy. Anyway. Here is the before.

I forgot to take a picture before I started messing with the crack in the drawer. :X

Here it is with the drawer pulls removed and holes filled in.

Look how grimy it is! That was after I cleaned it, too. I really had no idea it was that bad until I saw this picture!! So I started painting it and got some new knobs for it.

That one drawer is missing a knob because I forgot to drill the hole before I primed it, and then I forgot to do it after each coat dried. Haha. I wanted to make sure it was really dry so I didn't get any sawdust stuck in the paint. I also need to paint the base. I just didn't have time last night; I needed to get my clothes back in the drawers before I went to bed. And finally, I need to figure out a way to get the paint in all those crevices! It wouldn't be a big deal if it hadn't gone in any of them, but of course it went in some. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it to go on the rest. Must have been force fields or something. So, not quite done, but almost there! It's still pretty ugly, but it's way better than before, for sure. This is just step one in my bedroom re-do project!

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